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Headline: ‘There’s a Good Reason Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Don’t Serve in the Military’

So let’s see what the good reason is.

Haredim believe—deeply, strongly and sincerely—that religious devotion in the form of Torah-study, no less than the actions of foot soldiers or intelligence officers, is important for Israel’s security. Indeed, a vital, essential part of it... [A]t least in Haredi eyes, [fit young men who only pray] are not evading public service but contributing to it—and in a way that, they sincerely believe, is essential to the safety and security of all their fellow Jews.

Indeed, in Haredi eyes, they sincerely believe they don’t need to work instead of pray; sincerely, they believe Israeli taxpayers should subsidize their prayerful unemployment. Sincerely, in Haredi eyes, vaccination against disease is evil, so sincerely they allowed thousands of their old and very young to die of covid. Many Haredi sincerely believe that stealing funds from the Israeli state (in which they sincerely disbelieve) is okay. In Haredi eyes, during Israel’s national minute of silence on holocaust remembrance day, you should make a lot of noise to show your contempt. In Haredi eyes, violence against the “state” – which extends from constant destructive rioting/traffic disruption to attacking children dressed insufficiently modestly – is essential to the safety and security of all their fellow Jews. (Oh except that in Haredi eyes no person who is not Haredi is really a Jew. Sincerely.)

These are all good reasons. Because Haredi people think they are good reasons. Sincerely.

Margaret Soltan, June 29, 2024 6:58AM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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