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Being a Cult Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.

“[O]ur decision not to share the news [that a member of our community stabbed and drowned her babies] is deliberate and guided by the wisdom of our rabbis.”

Ultraorthodox Lakewood NJ – known until now for its astounding rates of welfare fraud and its refusal to vaccinate its people against measles, covid, etc. – arrogantly responds to media inquiries with pride in its longstanding refusal to face up to what the many pathologies of its community have wrought. Of course this is a very big news story, but by definition America’s most anti-social demographic doesn’t give a shit.

Oh, turns out filicide mom has “severe mental illness,” which, guided by the wisdom of our rabbis, we decided left us free to put her alone in her house with her defenseless offspring. (Not totally defenseless: Apparently she only stabbed the older of the two, presumably because the pitiable child offered a little resistance.)

And of course the madwoman would – will? – continue to produce more babies. More babies is what ultraorthodox women – psychotic murderers or not – do.

Margaret Soltan, June 27, 2024 12:15PM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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